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Surgical Smoke Evacuators

Surgical Smoke Evacuation Systems

Surgical smoke evacuation is an important safety consideration in any clinic or lab where laser and other electrosurgical tools are used. Surgical smoke poses a number of significant health risks to clinicians and technicians who are exposed to it on a regular basis. Because surgical smoke contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic elements, negative health outcomes can include persistent headache, nausea, eye irritation, upper respiratory infection and more.

The use of surgical smoke evacuation equipment is one of the most effective ways recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for minimizing exposure in surgery centers. Surgimedics surgical smoke evacuators are quiet, easy-to-use and provide an extremely low cost of ownership. An investment in one of our products can improve the productivity of your clinic by minimizing downtime due to staff illnesses.

Surgical Smoke Plume Evacuation for Safety

According to the US Department of Labor, approximately 500,000 medical and aesthetic workers are exposed to surgical smoke each year. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and the American National Standards Institute both recommend the use of a surgical smoke evacuation system in healthcare facilities.

For safe removal of airborne contaminants produced by laser and electrosurgical equipment, Surgimedics devices represent the best combination of value and quality. Our products feature high-quality, ultra-low penetration air (ULPA) filters that remove contaminants as small as 0.1µ with up to 99.9995% effectiveness, making them ideal for a number of different surgical applications.

Built for Everyday Use

Surgimedics surgical smoke evacuators are quiet and easy to operate without interrupting your workflow. We realize that in order for a surgical smoke evacuator to be effective, it has to be easy to incorporate into your practice. Our products feature hands-free operation and intuitive controls that quickly become second nature as you work.

Contact Surgimedics for more information about our lineup of surgical smoke evacuation system health devices.